A poem for the end of story time

When browsing through pinterest I stumbled across this poem, which I thought would be perfect to use with my young students' to signal the end of story time. I thought it would be nice to to add some actions too.

Tickle the stars 
With your fingers gently pitter patter over the students shoulders
Tickle your toes
Tickle the students toes if you can, or pitter patter with your fingers over their shoes
Turn around and tickle your nose
If the students are in their work chairs or home chairs turn them around (tell them before you do so), when you have stopped tickle their nose with the end of your fingers
Reach way up high
If this is a comfortable action for your learner, support them to stretch their arms up high
Reach down low
Gently bring their arms back down
Story time is over
Use the on body signing action for finished
So wave goodbye  
If your student is able get them to wave goodbye, if not put your hand flat to the palm of their hand and move your hand together with theirs in a side to side motion


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