
Showing posts from November, 2016

Festive Communication Through Touch Activity

'It's Beginning to Feel A Lot Like Christmas' 'I ts Beginning to Feel A Lot Like Christmas' is a festive themed communication through touch activity for PMLD learners. There are several different parts to the activity with each part having a physical / touch action to do with your student, each section is also accompanied by a suggested piece of Christmas music. This activity will get everyone feeling festive and can be carried with individual students or as a small group. To download the activity for just £2.00 please follow the link below It's Beginning to Feel A Lot Like Christmas

Willow Bug - Adaptive Clothing for Kids

This lovely website came up on my Facebook page and I thought it was definitely worth a share. Willow Bug is a clothing company that has been set up by parents of a child who is a wheelchair user. Their lovely, bright and stylish clothing has been specially designed to fit over heads, legs, arms and wheelchairs.  Follow the link below to visit their website Willow Bug - Adapted Clothing for Children with Additional Needs

Lollipop Land - A sensory Poem for Christmas

Lollipop Land A Sensory Poem Adapted from 'Lollipop Land' by Garnett Ann Shultz Lollipop Land is a lovely Christmas literacy activity for PMLD learners. The activity is available to download for free by following the link below. The activity suggests sensory props and resources for each line of the poem, as well as a resource list and copy of the original poem. The poem has been broken into two parts to make it just the right length for your students. Part two with be free to download soon ! Enjoy Lollipop Land - A Christmas sensory poem for PMLD learners

Create a sensory story in 7 steps

Mencap have created a blog as part of their website giving guidance and tips on how to create a sensory story. It suggests seven steps you need to follow in order to develop and deliver your story. Further links displayed on the page give advice for running your own sensory story telling group, and how Makaton can be useful in storytelling. Follow the link below to visit the page. MENCAP - Create your own sensory story in 7 steps