Meg's Veg - A Sensory Story for Springtime

Meg's Veg 
Helen Nicoll and Jan Pienkowski 

Sensory Resource 

It was Springtime. Time for Meg to start her vegetable garden 

  • Play the Springtime sound effects from the CD 
  • Spray around a nice flowery Springtime scent 

Meg fetched the muck 

  • Fresh compost in a tray for the student's to feel explore.  
  • Support the students to scoop from one tray to another (support as appropriate) 

Owl raked it smooth 

  • Small child's garden rake – either support to rake the soil or gently rake over the students legs or down the arms as saying the words 

Owl sowed some peas and carrots. Mog put in a pumpkin 

  • Shake the packet of seeds besides each ear of the student 
  • Explore the dry pumpkin seeds 

Meg sowed some peas and carrots she had found in her cauldron 

  • Support the your student to take the lentils from a pot and drop them into the cauldron – If your student is unable to do this let them listen to the sound of the lentils dropping into the cauldron 

It was so cold that no seeds grew 

  • Support student's to feel the cold ice pack 

Mog made a scarecrow to guard his pumpkin 

  • Play 'Dingle, Dangle, Scarecrow'. Support your student's to do the actions 

Meg tried to make the sunshine 

Camel's hump and vulture's eye, make it bake fizzle and fry 

The sun got hotter and hotter 

  • If in the sensory room, use a switch to switch on a big light. If in the classroom use a bright torch 
  • Feel the heat from a wheat bag as you say 'hotter & hotter'. 

Make it rain, make it rain 

Splish splosh, all awash, wellington boots and a mackintosh 

The rain came down in sheets, splish, splash, splosh 

  • Listen to the rain sound effects from the Cd 
  • Use the water spray to spray the students with a little water 

The garden grew like a jungle 

  • Play the jungle sound effects from the Cd 
  • Gently swish the lengths of green materials over the students face 

They had to pull up all the weeds 
1..2..3 HEAVE...POP!! 

  • Gently hold on to the students wrists as you say 1..2..3 HEAVE, gently pull the students you say POP let them go. (only do this if appropriate for the student) 

They made a huge compost heap 

  • Compost smell (vegetable peelings in a tub) 

They had to stake the peas and thin out the carrots 

They had to how down the rows and water the pumpkins 

  • Support the students to pour water from the watering can, let them explore the watering sprinkling onto their hands into a tray. 

And then they had to eat them all ! 

  • If your students are able let them taste pureed peas, carrots and pumpkin (baby foods from supermarket are good, check for allergies before) 

Resource List 
  • A Cd with the following sounds – Springtime (birds, farm animals), Rain, Jungle sound effects. Visit and create an account to find a huge selection of free sounds and sound effects. 
  • Dingle Dangle Scarecrow song 
  • Floral smell to spray around the classroom (essential oil in water spray bottle / air freshener)  
  • Compost 
  • Small child's garden rake 
  • Packet of seeds – Make your own with lentils in a small brown envelope 
  • Cauldron 
  • Scoop for scoop compost  
  • Lentils (represent seeds) 
  • Pumpkin seeds if you have some 
  • Ice Pack 
  • Wheat Bag 
  • Water Spray 
  • Bowl for water 
  • Broom handle with several length of green material for jungle 
  • Bright torch or switch activated light if you have access to a sensory room 
  • Compost smell (make your own with veg and fruit peeling in a container) 
  • Watering can  
  • Baby food – purred pumpkin, peas and carrots 
You may want to make a power point to support the story and add your sound effects to the individual slides. 
Meg's Veg is also available to watch on and the story is available to buy from  


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